13 September – 4 October 2021 Click here to registerDownload program
EUCONAS is an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module (Ref. 611270-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO-MODULE) that takes place from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2022. The main activity organised within EUCONAS is a three-week course on “Introduction to the European Union” offered to the entire UAB university community and professionals interested in this subject. It is especially aimed at non-EU students of the UAB who have no previous background on European Studies and are enrolled in a Masters, Ph.D or postdoctoral programmes at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Besides it, EUCONAS is organising tailor-made sessions on European Union for students of primary and secondary schools. It uses interactive tools and game in order to bring motivation and interest of the students. Finally, a one-week course on European Union is especially created to school teachers with the aim of providing updated information and knowledge on the EU that they can then use in their classrooms.
Working for the future changes
This is a three-week course on European Union offered to the entire university community and professionals interested in this subject. It is especially aimed at non-EU students of the UAB who have no previous background on European Studies and are enrolled in a Masters, Ph.D or postdoctoral programmes at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
The EU intensive course is organised by the European Studies Institute (IEE) of the UAB and it will consist of a total of 60 hours during 3 weeks.
This course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the EU. It will also offer seminars about specific policies of the EU such as economy, environment, security and research & innovation. In all these sessions students will examine the main issues of debate that the EU is facing today. This will include topics such as the consequences of Brexit, the current EU developments to manage the refugee crisis, the impact of right-wing governments in several EU Member States, or the increasing euro scepticism in the EU, amongst others.